Cameraderie Challenge #71: The rule of Odds - WINNER ANNOUNCED


Hall of Famer
Quebec, Canada
Start Date
Jul 4, 2024
End Date
Jul 31, 2024
Concerning the rules of composition in photography (to follow or to break), almost everyone knows (or is aware of) the rule of thirds. Looking for a topic for this challenge, I accidentally came across the rule of odds, which had never come to my attention. So I thought it would be fun to try putting this rule into practice and see how it goes.

The "rule of odds" in photography suggests that an odd number of subjects in a composition, such as three or five, tends to be visually appealing and creates balance.

So, for this challenge, post photos using the rule off odds with 3 subjects and more. Please avoid an impossible-to-count number of subjects (like a starry sky) :) . It would be interesting if you created new images with the rule in mind rather than searching your bank for those that might be suitable. As I never intentionally applied this rule I don't have examples to share.

The standard rules apply:

As usual, this Challenge will consider originality, technical merit and artistic vision.
No change to the tried and trusted rules, which are as follows:

1. Either take pictures that match the nominated theme or select some from your portfolio. You must be the photographer that created the image in order to enter it.
2. Only one entry per challenge, please. If you want to withdraw an entry and replace it with another, that is OK, but you must make it clear in the post containing your
replacement pictures that this is what you've done. You can add or change the title and add to the edit line to let everyone know.
3. The decision of the curator at the end of the challenge is final - don't give him/her a hard time about it: this is just a friendly photo challenge, after all!
4. The winner will assume the responsibility of curator for the next Challenge, and as soon as possible post a message in a new thread in the Cameraderie Photo Challenges forum,
with details of the new theme. Don't forget - the opening message must include a copy of these instructions, which also double as the rules.
5. The curator cannot enter in his / her / their own challenge.

This challenge will open July 04, 2024 and will run until July 31, 2024
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This definitely has three
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Hate to say it, but your opening statement is false. Not everyone knows the rule of thirds. I certainly don't. I'm aware that it exists but I couldn't tell you what it is or how to apply it to photography. In other words, I'm ignorant.
When I think about the rule of odds, I think it has more to do with there being a 'middle' to the number vs no 'middle' when an even number is chosen. Could be wrong on that. Like I said, I'm ignorant when it comes to a lot of photographic stuff never having had any formal training.
I'll be watching this thread closely as it is interesting.
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Interesting theme, havent heard about the rule of odds before, but will play. This one is from earlier today, doing a short round before getting some some spices at the local supermarket. Not sure why I found the motif interesting but I did.
Hate to say it, but your opening statement is false. Not everyone knows the rule of thirds. I certainly don't. I'm aware that it exists but I couldn't tell you what it is or how to apply it to photography. In other words, I'm ignorant.
When I think about the rule of odds, I think it has more to do with there being a 'middle' to the number vs no 'middle' when an even number is chosen. Could be wrong on that. Like I said, I'm ignorant when it comes to a lot of photographic stuff never having had any formal training.
I'll be watching this thread closely as it is interesting.
Thank you for your comment, I corrected my statement. I never had myself any formal training, but my little knowledge came from reading books and photography magazines, and experimenting.

A simple search with Google about composition rules in photography can lead you to interesting information (many sites). I think that the word "rules" is not adequate, I would rather use the word "suggestions", but the reference to find them is "rules"...
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Hate to say it, but your opening statement is false. Not everyone knows the rule of thirds. I certainly don't. I'm aware that it exists but I couldn't tell you what it is or how to apply it to photography. In other words, I'm ignorant.
When I think about the rule of odds, I think it has more to do with there being a 'middle' to the number vs no 'middle' when an even number is chosen. Could be wrong on that. Like I said, I'm ignorant when it comes to a lot of photographic stuff never having had any formal training.
I'll be watching this thread closely as it is interesting.
Here’s nice history of the rule of thirds, which I read recently:
Hate to say it, but your opening statement is false. Not everyone knows the rule of thirds. I certainly don't. I'm aware that it exists but I couldn't tell you what it is or how to apply it to photography. In other words, I'm ignorant.
When I think about the rule of odds, I think it has more to do with there being a 'middle' to the number vs no 'middle' when an even number is chosen. Could be wrong on that. Like I said, I'm ignorant when it comes to a lot of photographic stuff never having had any formal training.
I'll be watching this thread closely as it is interesting.
I don't know whether you truly need these, but here is a place I visit occasionally and cheat a bit 😉 re-reading stuff I've forgotten. Photography is a lifelong learning journey, anyways.
Especially techniques:
And starting page:

And sorry about hi-jacking this excellent challenge, won't happen again 🤞
Looking to find opportunity to deliver to this challenge.
Thank you for the welcome, Miguel! That shot was from my wedding: happened the third: my MIL, my bride, and my stepson. A good day, and a good day for photography!