Feedback Cancel button


Any "do an update" button (like the "post thread" button in this screen) should have an adjacent "cancel" button to ignore anything typed by the poster and exit to the previous screen. For example, I might prepare a long reply, change my mind and wish to cancel any update.
After you backover all of the text you are still left in the message entry box with no way to quit. At least I have never found a way.
Try this. Excuse the poor yellow arrows.
Another question. Receiving Alerts is obviously useful. How can I disable sending the identical notification to my tablet?
It's a per-device (per-browser, really) option - you can disable notifications in any browser on a per-site basis. I always cancel push notifications. How this is done depends on the browser. However, IIRC, you can log out of the site, clear cookies for the site (browser cache), log in again and be asked again. I select "Never", you can adjust to taste.

Through the site, you can disable them completely, but that's not what you want.
