Feedback Change the reaction setup?

Darmok N Jalad

There are FOUR lights!
Maybe this is a lazy man's question, but it's also a bit practical. As we all know, when reacting to a post, anything other than "Like" is under a hover menu, which I often struggle to maneuver properly (especially on a mobile device), leading to the menu disappearing and/or me misfiring. Is it possible within the site design to have all the reactions available alongside the "Like" without the hover submenu? I've seen other sites offer it this way, but they don't have as many reactions as we do here. Maybe it would require paring down the react list, which may not sit well with the group. Just thought I'd lob it out there.
Even though I am a newb here I agree that it would be a nice change, frequently because of just plain laziness I will just hit the like button so I don't have to scroll. I would really like to see a love this photo option also since sometimes being a winner isn't everything 🙋‍♂️
I've run into the issue you describe. I looked at it as the price one has to pay when so many reactions are available.

If some elegant solution were available to solve the problem it would be great, but if it were at the expense of reducing the range of reactions, I would vote to keep the status quo.

- K
I'm still wondering what exactly the Vulcan Salute denotes
I assume it denotes something along the lines of "live long and prosper", but as a non-Trekkie I typically avoid it as it feels inauthentic to me.
But yes, a Love This Photo is sorely missing. The heart - an obvious choice - does not mean that, which is a surprise
I use the trophy/"Winner" emoji to recognize an outstanding photo.

For me, the taxonomy of emojis for images starts at 👍 for an image that I appreciate, then 😎/cool for an image that affects me a bit more, then wow/😳 for one that really demands my attention and finally 🏆 for one that is truly fantastic.

- K
I assume it denotes something along the lines of "live long and prosper", but as a non-Trekkie I typically avoid it as it feels inauthentic to me.

I use the trophy/"Winner" emoji to recognize an outstanding photo.

For me, the taxonomy of emojis for images starts at 👍 for an image that I appreciate, then 😎/cool for an image that affects me a bit more, then wow/😳 for one that really demands my attention and finally 🏆 for one that is truly fantastic.

- K
Interesting interpretation. I've always seen it as 'wow' can do double duty as a simple wow, like maybe the photo doesn't deserve a wow for the technical or artistic aspect, but the subject matter may be wow. Like a foot sticking out of a shark's mouth. Photo may be total dreck, but the subject is a definite wow.

Also, I interpret (probably incorrectly) 'cool' like: 'whatever', 'big deal', 'nice try', 'cool story bro', more dismissive than praise. I try not to use it because I honestly don't know how others view it. The few times I have it's been meant as praise, but it still feels odd.
Thoughts in no particular order...
  • On mobile devices do a 'long tap' on the 'Like' link to bring up the menu. In other words, instead of doing a quick tap on the 'Like' link, tap and don't lift your finger right away. The menu pop-up should appear. The XF developers modeled it after how Facebook and some other 'social' sites handles it to bring up the menu. If anybody isn't getting the expected results let me know what device you're using and what version of the OS and I'll either see if I can find out what's going on or, at a minimum, see if others on the XF support forums are having similar issues.
  • There are at the moment too many reactions for them to be all displayed instead of using the pop-up menu.
  • Yeah, we might have a few too many reactions.
  • HG2G old BBC series > HG2G big budget movie (OK, the movie wasn't bad but watching the series as a kid definitely influenced me and is likely what led to my sarcastic sense of humor). The older I get the more I identify with Marvin. 🤖
  • Finding HG2G emoji in SVG format is surprisingly not as easy as I thought it would be. 🤔
  • I'm not opposed to changing/adding any of the reactions so I'll watch to see what direction this thread takes. Personally I thought the 'heart' as 'appreciate' was a bit off also but the use of it here at Cameraderie pre-dates me so it was kept. For possible replacements, I associate the 'folding hands' more with praying than thank you. I know it is supposed to be modeled after the Japanese custom of holding hands flat against each other as 'thank' but, being raised as a Roman Catholic, I can't help but think of it as praying. Other suggestions? It's easy enough to re-assign the 'heart' to be 'love' but we'd need a good replacement for 'appreciate'. Maybe the clinking beer mugs? 🍻
  • A good place for browsing emoji for ideas is - you can search for keywords and see how the same emoji looks on different platforms. Here at Cameraderie the JoyPixels 6.x collection is being used.
  • Ooooh, sounds like @drd1135 has gone through Pon Farr! 😲