News Digital Cameras: A 2024 "status symbol"? šŸ¤”

My initial impulse to be snarky aside :) - maybe some of this trend is a reaction to phone cameras that are more and more (over-) processing by default these daysā€¦ (especially features like ā€œsmartHDRā€ can create really unnatural looking results)

And I am someone who still likes dedicated devices - so I shouldnā€™t be one to judge :)
My initial impulse to be snarky aside :) - maybe some of this trend is a reaction to phone cameras that are more and more (over-) processing by default these daysā€¦ (especially features like ā€œsmartHDRā€ can create really unnatural looking results)

And I am someone who still likes dedicated devices - so I shouldnā€™t be one to judge :)
I sent a friend a picture of a great steak being had at a restaurant but it wasn't taken seriously by the recipient as he said it was from a phone and apparently phones make fake pictures (ie they beauty them up and show and not real likeness to what's there)!?
My GF and I went out to a higher end restaurant the other night. Nice Japanese style place for hibachi. Had two of the wait staff comment on my Lecia, one specifically that it was a Leica. I can not remember the last time I have had anyone noticed that. Eau Claire is not that big a city.

The Rolleicord gets notice but TLRs always do. The Leica is usually just in the background, almost like jewelry. But not there.
Twenty years ago at a restaurant in Old Town Alexandria our waiter brought out much of the staff to show them my Leica M3 with the Summicron on it.
I let him take a picture with it.
My Leica M8- couple of years ago, taking a walk in the neighborhood, a young woman in a red convertible stopped to tell me how much she liked my camera.
Yup. That's me. Trend setter. Next year it will be programming in Fortran on DOS computers, baby. AI backlash.
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These SD1000's are where it's at guys.
The high-voltage power supply on many of these are blowing out, and electronics fail.
My Pentium Pro still boots up. The IBM Professional Graphics Controller display- smoked. My Xerox 820-II power supply blew-out, but the Fergasun Big-Board-II and floppy drives booted up. I have two or 3 PGC Cards. They do not work in anything faster than an 80286 6MHz without writing custom device drivers. I kept them going through to a 386/25. I wrote custom software for animated graphics for them 35 years ago. Fun times. I still write my own device drivers, have to- for custom designed hardware.

I have DOS running on a 2.7GHZ I5.
The ICOP Vortex DX3 processor is great for running older software.

These fanless "thin client" computers can run DOS, WIN98, and XP.
I use a dual-boot CF card in them for DOS and XP.
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