Darkroom Challenge Digital Darkroom Derby #131, Closed results posted


Leura - Blue Mountains Australia
Robert Davidson
Welcome to the Digital Darkroom Derby #131, a digital image editing/processing challenge. The rules are here. Please read them.

Challenge ends on Saturday 8th July at 8am AEST. Not sure what can be done with this image?
The raw and jpeg can be found here: PhotoChallenge

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Here's my attempt:

First fed the RW2 file through DxO PureRAW 3, mainly for lens correction / sharpening purposes, before importing the resulting DNG file into Capture One Pro 23 for further processing.

Then performed a bit of perspective correction before cropping out the unsightly pole that was intruding into the image. Finally added some contrast and saturation, before performing a lot of Highlight recovery and a bit of Shadow recovery.

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Many thanks, Rob + congrats to Alan and Chris

P.S. I wonder if you chose my interpretation because I managed to ameloiorate the excessive contrast by tone mapping the RAW?

PPS - I'll start a new challenge asap.