Darkroom Challenge Digital Darkroom Derby #95 (closed, results posted)

Thank you for participating. Everyone did a great job!

The Monochrome entries are all good, but not among my top picks today. The one by @kae1 is my favorite, but they are all worthy.

The color versions are also very good. I prefered the slightly wamer (golden) tones with modest boosts in saturation and clarity. I thought the crop by @RichardC worked best, but other crops were fine, too. My top picks are:

Winner: @griffljg #2 (both were excellent)

2nd place: @RichardC

3rd place (tie): @ektar and @kae1

Honorable mentions to the color entries by @BosseBe , @Rose McGill , and @betamax

So, it looks like I am handing it right back to you, Larry.