Documentary, reportage and moral responsibility

I think we should shoot ( images can help bring awareness) but also help (Immediate relief), if you are there you are de facto involved. But there is nothing to do when it comes to mobs, mob mentality is frightening. But Natchtwey did plead for a guy's life when a mob was killing him.... while others were shooting with their telephoto...
I think we should shoot ( images can help bring awareness) but also help (Immediate relief), if you are there you are de facto involved. But there is nothing to do when it comes to mobs, mob mentality is frightening. But Natchtwey did plead for a guy's life when a mob was killing him.... while others were shooting with their telephoto...

I always come/arrive ready to shoot. But if someone is dying, I will help them first. I will give them my respirator and drag them to a first responder (fire), I will attempt to stop bleeding if it is life threatening, I will distribute what food and water I am carrying to those in need ... but I will also do my job. (I won't pack anticipating to administer medical/humanitarian needs.)

But a mob is different ... places with no law, no formal governmental structure, like Lebanon, Central America or Africa were far far more terrifying than being imbedded with troops.

