It looks like a very capable and enjoyable compact. It seems that Samsung have learned from some of the best aspects of recent advanced compacts from Panasonic and Ricoh.
From a certain point of view, though, this camera is just catching up to the LX3, while the LX4 (some say it will be called LX5) is right around the corner. It will be interesting to see whether Panasonic innovates as much with the LX3 replacement as they did with the LX2 replacement.
I'm surprised that both LL and PB mentioned LX3 but didn't really compare those cameras. In terms of specs and capability, the two most direct competitors for the Samsung are the LX3 and the Ricoh GX200. The S90 is much more pocketable, doesn't go as wide, and is lighter on controls, and the G11 lens is slower and has a very different zoom range.
I have an LX3 and EX1 on the way from B&H and will do a shootout featuring those two camera for Serious Compacts.