Micro 4/3 Finally - some sunshine!


Top Veteran
After a week of pretty dreadful weather the clouds parted for a few hours last evening to let me get out and shoot some pictures.

I used a Panasonic GH1 and my new "wonderzoom" the Panasonic Leica Vario-Elmar f3.5-5.6mm 14-150mm









Well when those clouds parted you certainly got out there and covered a lot of ground! There's something about that long view of the fields, your 7th, that really makes me feel free. I think I can feel your relief at being out there again!

I have to add that going through your blog to reach these in their larger sizes on Flickr is really a worth while trip.
Glad the Sun shone for you, here in Melbourne we only get peeks (winter)

You seem to be very taken by the PL 14-150 (I recently acquired one) and its well built albeit heavy and does focus quite close at max zoom, I tend to use it wide open.

Very nice images I love the landscapes and skies, your lucky to have ready access to rural places

Is this a long term love with this lens ;-) or will it pass?? ;-)

Many Pro's cry prime prime Nah seldom use zooms.
It is a great lens. Amazing how brown that grass is after so much rain and cloudiness! Love the detail in that tree trunk and the processing in the first shot.