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Canon First Impression - Canon Powershot G1X

Central Ohio, USA
Yes, this is the OG G1X.

I took it to a local history museum, which is a pretty difficult test for any camera. Dynamic range is extreme in some cases and the low contrast would give a challenge to it.
Remember too, that this is my very first Canon camera - so I have A LOT to learn about the files and Canon in general.

On with it!

  • Powers on quickly and going into the menus are quick. Transitions between modes is weird having the little splash screen. Wish you could turn that off.
  • I accidentally bumped the little asterisk button on the back by where your thumb would rest a lot.
  • I'm not a fan of having to press the AF button and then change the focus point - I shot mostly with the center AF point.
  • Inside I used the rear LCD and it did well.
  • The rear LCD hinge feels robust, should last for a good long time.
  • Auto focus was a little pokey, but I've used worse - again this is in low light so will probably be better outside or in brighter lighting.
  • Saw some weird "pulsing" of the AF back and forth after it confirmed that it was in focus (blue box). Not sure why it was doing that - but it only did it a few times. I figured out quickly that if I just stop half pressing, then mash all the way down again, it focus' and trips the shutter and I get an in focus shot.
  • I really like being able to set the rear dial/wheel to the fixed focal lengths of 28/35/60/85/112 - and if you want more precise control, use the dial that goes around shutter release.
  • The white balance did a decent job in the museum setting, getting it pretty close almost all the time.
  • Noise - a little more than I was expecting at ISO 800-1250, but it was a more film grainy than I expected. I will concede that I need to figure out the post processing for this camera which may make my opinion change in the future.
Sample images - processed from RAW
Color images are Lightroom only. Monochromes are Lightroom, then passed over to DxO Filmpack 6.

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3 - Kodak Tri-X 400
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4 - Ilford Delta 3200
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Helps when you read and understand the manual!

I me ironed before about the pulsing behavior the AF exhibited on occasion.

Turns out that was user error on my part. I’m used to the term Servo AF meaning single point AF. In Canon lingo, that appears to be what we in Nikon land refer to as AF-A.

That is a mode where the camera will automatically determine if it should use single point or continuous based on the subject and scene.

Turned out that I was moving enough in certain instances that the camera was trying to help me by adjusting the AF for me.

I turned that off in menu and now the camera just does single point AF, focus box turns green and we are all good to go.

Just goes to show that you really need to read those manuals boys and girls!! They really are there for a reason!! Lol
Good Morning,

It is a fun small camera that has a lot going for it. My only complaint is the poor closeup "macro" magnification, so I use a Canon 250D attachment when I need to. It is always in the trunk, secured in a Harbor Freight 2800 case, for those moments when I don't have serious gear in the car.


Helps when you read and understand the manual!

I me ironed before about the pulsing behavior the AF exhibited on occasion.

Turns out that was user error on my part. I’m used to the term Servo AF meaning single point AF. In Canon lingo, that appears to be what we in Nikon land refer to as AF-A.

That is a mode where the camera will automatically determine if it should use single point or continuous based on the subject and scene.

Turned out that I was moving enough in certain instances that the camera was trying to help me by adjusting the AF for me.

I turned that off in menu and now the camera just does single point AF, focus box turns green and we are all good to go.

Just goes to show that you really need to read those manuals boys and girls!! They really are there for a reason!! Lol
Blue box equals servo (C-AF) and green box equals (S-AF). Servo isn’t necessarily a single point, just that it’s continuous AF. You can still change how many AF points there are an also be in servo. Canon lingo takes a minute to get used to if you weren’t brought up in that world. Like Tv for time value instead of S for shutter speed. 🙄
Blue box equals servo (C-AF) and green box equals (S-AF). Servo isn’t necessarily a single point, just that it’s continuous AF. You can still change how many AF points there are an also be in servo. Canon lingo takes a minute to get used to if you weren’t brought up in that world. Like Tv for time value instead of S for shutter speed. 🙄

Yep...lots to learm...but I am willing as the G1X is an actually very delightful camera. I'm loving the colors that Canon is producing. they are rather punchy without being overly done, IMHO.
I think that my first error was that in the menu there is a servo AF and just below a continuous AF option...and as you said that Canon lingo is different...my brain assumed that servo AF was AF-S and the continuous AF was AF-C...however, continuous is a mode where the camera will constantly try to focus even without half press.