Film Showcase Flic Film Elektra 100 (respooled Kodak Aerocolor IV)


Hall of Famer
Just received my first rolls of developed film, one of which is the Elektra 100. Figured I'd share some thoughts and images.

Anyone else shooting with this or any of the other Aerocolor IV respools (Santa Color 100, Luminaire 100, maybe some others I'm not aware of) who wants to contribute, please do so.

The film light pipes, seems to be common among the three I'm aware of. I loaded the film into my camera in a bathroom with just enough light to be able to properly load the film and didn't have any major issues.

There's no markings on the negative strip, and to my eyes both sides look the same, so I had a few issues with proper placement for scanning.

The film base is clear, not orange-tinted like most color films. This can cause some issues with color depending upon scanner. My V600 did not great, not bad. Colors had a slight tint to them. WB correction in post got the scans closer to where I think they should be. Still need to work on that to get better.

Anywhos - some pics.

Film base comparison on a light tablet. New Fuji 400 on top, Elektra 100 on bottom.

Film pics shot with an F3HP and 28/2.8 Ai-S in Tombstone, 135/2.8 Ai-S for the butterflies. I used sunny 16 rules for these.

For me, a 28mm isn't the best lens for walking around Tombstone. I need to work on that.

