Fuji Fuji X100VI coming Feb 20th

So does the China relocation for production equal better supply lines? Maybe because materials don't have to cross borders, or is it more of a workforce issue?

I've noticed that other manufacturers have moved production to countries other than China. Ricoh/Pentax, for example, manufacture practically everything in Vietnam now.
I am really not too impressed by this new offering. I never thought this camera needed more megapixels.
IBIS is welcome, that I will admit. Buuut I'd rather they made the optical viewfinder experience more ... useful, like maybe a proper rangefinder experience?
Most people use the EVF, it's just a fact, I did it as well before I sold the X100V.

It also just didn't feel right using it, I got great results, but I didn't vibe with that camera at all.

Am I just jaded?
I am really not too impressed by this new offering. I never thought this camera needed more megapixels.
IBIS is welcome, that I will admit. Buuut I'd rather they made the optical viewfinder experience more ... useful, like maybe a proper rangefinder experience?
Most people use the EVF, it's just a fact, I did it as well before I sold the X100V.

It also just didn't feel right using it, I got great results, but I didn't vibe with that camera at all.

Am I just jaded?
There is some sort of argument regarding the OVF/ EVF along the lines of pick one not the other, but not both. Most people seem to go for the EVF over the OVF, I did that too with the first version X100 and I'm instinctively an OVF shooter. The only people I know who approve full time of the OVF experience are those rangefinder users who used to use a film or digital Leica but are very happy doing the same thing using their RF lenses with an X-Pro which isn't even an X100.
I’ve got a V (I got it refurb just before things went nuts) and I also pre-ordered the VI.

I also rented an X-T5. Shooting the V and the 5 side by side I can’t tell any practical difference.

Between that and the concerns the IBIS will render the body less robust I’ve pretty much decided to cancel. Mind you I spose I should keep the order and scalp it. Heh.
Their cash cow is still Instax, and I hope that keeps delivering.
I’m sure. It’s interesting how the X100 series became the darling of social media. The new sensor/processor and IBIS was a nice update, given that they don’t really want to change the style. If I were Fuji, I would make the next XPro as close to an ILC version of the X100 as possible and incorporate the bigger battery as well. Some of the new Fuji fans might switch and buy lenses as well.
I actually stayed away from pretty much all photography related news and happenings since the new year began. Now I just noticed via Youtube the new X100 has just been announced. I think it looks like a good successor to the previous X100V. Fujifilm included IBIS, which I think was among the most requested feature for the new camera, they also included the higher resolution sensor and the latest image processing engine, which brings it on par with the other current gen X-Trans cameras. This also means we'll have support for essentially all currently available film simulations, something which in my opinion will be popular among the users. Yes the camera got a bit heavier, which isn't great but I doubt it'll be a deal breaker.

In regards of the price, I have rather mixed feelings. While higher prices are always annoying, the X100 somehow doesn't really feel much more expensive. Considering the X100V sold for insane prices on the second hand market, the new VI almost feels like a relief. If I am not mistaken, the last MSRP for the X100V here in Germany was EUR 1599, I bought mine back in 2021 for EUR 1399 new. The new camera has an MSRP of EUR 1799. Considering the upgrades, the overall price increases for many consumer goods and to my knowledge the still sort of struggling camera sales, I can't be upset about it.

Personally I am not in the market for a compact, fixed lens camera - at least not at the moment, so I won't buy one of these.
Well, I just placed a pre-order for the X100VI. Not sure if I'll get the first batch at this point, but wanted to get in queue to see what happens.

We have a beach vacation coming up the end of April and think this could be a great camera to cover most uses - compact, weather resistant, flash w/ leaf shutter, nice film sims, and easy to use for the whole family.
This shop in Amsterdam claims to have at least 1 X100VI for sale.

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