Fuji Fuji XF35mm f1.4 revival


Williamsburg, VA

On October 3rd, 2023 in my haste to get everything packed up in the car for our "move-in" to the new house, I left the bag with my X-Pro2 mounted with a XF35mm f1.4 mounted on it on the floor in the garage next to the wheel of the car.

Once I was backing out, there was this noise, so I stopped immediately and got out. Much to my dismay the bag was literally under the wheel of the car..... :doh:

I got it out, and the camera was mostly unscathed, the body of the lens was torn off the mount. I collected all the bits and bobs and threw them into a plastic bag and headed out on my way.

So, some 7 month later I'm going through the last of the "goodies" and I found this lens in a plastic bag:


If you look close, you can see where the screws were pulled out of the barrel of the lens. I've got the screws and the mount is flat. It still mounts on the camera just fine.

I'm feeling pluckish about reviving this corpse, but I would need to buy a replacement barrel.

It looks like everyone selling these has taken better care of it than I have as there are none for sale "for parts" on Fleabay.

Does Fuji sell parts for lenses? Where?

I've already bought a replacement so I'm not pressed to revive it, but the thought of disposing of this one is unbearable. It was (is) a marvelous lens.
