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Fuji FUJIFILM X-Pro2 Problem / Locks up / Freeze / Black Screen (Video)


New Member
Sup guys !

These cases have been happening all over the internet and still no word from Fuji that they are aware of this problem. Its time to make sure they understand there are a few unhappy X-Pro2 owners. Please watch the video and let me know what you think.


So, Mokhtar, you first reported this problem with your X-Pro2 here back on the 5th July. I suggested then that you returned the camera to Fuji, under warranty. Did you do that? What - exactly - did they say?

As it happens I can only find two mentions of this "issue" that is "happening all over the Internet" on here, both by you. A wider search reveals a few further mentions elsewhere, all of which you seem to have had a hand in. Most of the threads appear to date back 4-5 months, prior to the last firmware update until you have contributed in the past 48 hours.

If you have an issue with your camera there is a clear process by which you can get it addressed.

Do let us know what Fuji say.
I know i mentioned this issue a few months back, but it keeps coming and going, I thought that it was the following and this is how i was troubleshooting:
- Stopped Using 3rd Party Battery Chargers (Which i didn't have a problem with when using my X-T1)
- Tried Different Memory Cards
- Tried using only one memory card slot, Slot 1 only and then Slot 2 Only.
- Tried different lenses, nearly all the Fuji XF lineup (thought maybe each lens needs a different amount of power at startup)
- Tried different power modes, none made a difference
- Tried leaving the camera without a battery for awhile, Then when turned on would still do it.

At the moment i think the smart thing to do after all this time is wait for the Firmware update. if this does not work then I'm sending it back to Fuji for sure.

This issue happens in two scenarios:
1- After leaving the camera off for a long period.
2- Sometimes while shooting the camera struggles during auto exposure, the screen starts to lag and then freezes.

Pulling out the battery seems to be the only solution.

Will keep everyone posted.

I think that would get a resolution quicker than making YouTube videos. Again, I'll ask. Have you spoken to Fuji at all? You cannot say that they are ignoring something if you have not been in contact with them.

For my part all I can say is that I have used my X-Pro 2 extensively. I suffered the loss of settings problem once within 24 hours of unboxing but not at all since and certainly not since the last firmware upgrade. I strongly suspect Bobby is right suggesting yours may be a hardware issue.
Update: Handed over my camera to Fujifilm. Its been. Nearly a month still have no clue what is happening with my camera.
If it were me I would be telephoning them EVERY DAY until I got an answer. Are you going through a dealer or direct?

For the record any repair I have ever had done by Fuji (four to date) was completed in less than a week.
Very frustrating. My Leica M9 used to do this occasionally. Hope you get your camera back soon and fixed!

My XP2 hasn't given me any problems to date. Fingers crossed!
I handed it over directly to Fujifilm Saudi Arabia, They sent it to Dubai (Fujifilm Moddle Easy & Gulf) And Dubai still did not give them an update.

Now that the same problem is happening with the new X-T2 i am wondering what is going on.

I will keep updating all of you.
I think the clue here is 'Saudi Arabia'. I think your cameras are suffering from heat stroke. Seriously. I have used a number of digital cameras, from various manufacturers, in locations nowhere near as hot as Saudi gets and had the same issue. They work fine in more temperate climates. Have you spoken to other photographers in the local area? Are you leaving them in the sun, in the boot of a car, or anything where they could simply get too hot?