Good morning John. The Mamiya C3 shots are great ! My fav is # 3. Wonderful colors !
Thanks Herman there some images
I NEVER printed and the 3rd one is one of them, the thing is colour (color)
The thing is
colour printing was laborious THEN
This is how I did it
1. Exposure in the darkroom first had to done on a test strip ie. on the enlarger base with a colour mosaic.
The result was analyzed to find one colour patch on the DEVELOPED test strip that was neutral GREY
That neutral patch told you the colour combination for the combination of colour filters to place in the enlarger filter drawer
(I used a DURST 600) lens was the best Nikon considered better than even the top German enlarging lenses then.
So the nfor the final print...
2. I had a special drum type developer it allowed chemical in and the drum was then rolled for the correct time then emptied, repeated for the other chemicals.
3. Finally the print was removed to dry.
4. You had to have achieved both correct print exposure AND colour balance so the first print may not be optimum SO repeat the whole process
With skill 1 test strip and 1 final print worked the whole process for an 8 X 10 was over an hour, chemicals and paper was expensive.
Today its easy .... Shoot ... PS .... Print