Fuji Fun with Film Simulation 'Recipes'

The photos I've very recently posted from my holiday in Barmouth, West Wales were all taken with my Eterna recipe and are all SooC JPEGS with some basic exposure tweaks.

Eterna; 5950K; R=2/B=-4; CCFx Weak; CCfxB Off; Hi +1; Shad +3; Col 0; no sharpening or clarity.

Here're a few more that I don't think I've posted elsewhere, but sorry for any X-posting.

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A few different simulation recipes on the same subject, an old car parked inside a chain-link fence.
First, Luis Costa's "Big Negative" recipe--

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Then another of Luis's recipes, this one monochrome, what he calls "Colored B&W"--

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Looks like I'm on a Luis Costa kick this 3rd recipe is his as well, his take on "Classic Neg"--

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The last is Ritchie Roesch's Tri-X 400 recipe, from the Fuji-X-Weekly website--

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One more using Ritchie Roesch's Kodachrome 64 recipe. Most of the photos I've taken with it have been exterior, outside shots, in daylight; this one was taken inside, at a mall, with a mix of tungsten and a bit of fluorescent lighting - but I like the way this K64 recipe renders it.

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Hello Herbert! :)

Here is my slightly modified Kodachrome 64 recipe:

Classic Chrome
Dynamic Range: DR200
Highlight: +1
Shadow: +0.5
Color: +1
Noise Reduction: -4
Sharpening: 0
Clarity: 0
Grain Effect: Weak, Small
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome Effect Blue: Weak
White Balance: Auto, +3 Red & -4 Blue
ISO: Auto, up to ISO 3200
Exposure Compensation: 0

This recipe is quite subtle and slightly less contrasty than fujixweekly.com version, and because of this - more versatile.
Give it a try, I think You should like it ;)

Beside that, in here You will find many very good recipes:
I use two of them - again, slightly modified up to my taste, and results are excellent for urban or industrial environment portraits imo ;)

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Just took a series of shots with one of my favorite new 'recipes' - "1976 Kodak", created by Ritchie Roesch on the FujiXWeekly website. It's unfortunately only available for the newer generation of Fujis with X-Trans V sensors (and, yes, I'll confess: the X-Trans V sensor is one of the big reasons why I sold my wonderful old X-T3 and went into debt to acquire its newer, more evolved sibling the XT5).

Some road signs along my rural (just outside of town) street--

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A desiccated leaf lying in the middle of the nearby railroad tracks--

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One of the ubiquitous old (ancient may be a better adjective) fire hydrants in my small town--

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And finally a shot taken at the now-abandoned premises of what used to be a glass factory--

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Ritchie Roesch talks eloquently about his obsession with the photographs of Joel Meyerowitz, which inspired him to create this particular recipe. The more I shoot with it, the more it's been growing on me.
A hot summer day, sun was shining with cloudless blue sky when I entered the cinema to watch Oppenheimer. More than three hours later I was greeted with heavy clouds and light rain. Shot with one of my favourite recipes - Superia Xtra 400 by Fuji X Weekly.
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DSCF0425_AP by Kaltpfote, auf Flickr

Close up shot of the large poster, Kino International actually uses fully hand drawn posters. Taken with Ivan Yolo's Nomadic Mood recipe.
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DSCF0423_AP by Kaltpfote, auf Flickr
Using Ritchie Roesch's updated recipe for Kodak Gold 200, from the Fuji X Weekly website.
My first attempts with this 'recipe' - an impromptu indoor portrait -

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And an available light shot inside a dim café named after the Goose which stands by the front door -

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This recipe looks rather interesting to me.