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Thinking of giving birding a go. Likely need to up my camera from the EM5.3, but thinking a longer lens might be first order. Maybe an Oly 300/4 if I can find one use don the "cheap" (relatively speaking). I did consider switching to Sony, but not interested in the learning curve for a whole new system.
I’ve got an em5.3 and a 40-150 f4 pro and an $1100 credit at MPB. Wondering if I should trade up from the 5.3 to an OM-1 and return the 40-150/4 (I have until Jan 30) and get instead either a 40-150/2.8+TCON or a 100-400
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Just in case any "Sony" users are interested, this is available on Amazon! :laugh1:

I've been mulling this over, but would love your thoughts on this. I got the Bronica ETRSi mainly to shoot instax mini (and that will be up and running a few weeks)

And that's perfectly valid and fine, like I could opt to shoot 120 film etc .. all that good stuff.


I'm a digital gal..

I found that there are things like digital backs for medium format cameras, most are priced insanely high. But there seem to be older models that are about $1k and could work just fine.
Now I have a background in tinkering and armed with a 3D printer I can prototype a working adapter plate (with some metal reinforcement ofc). In theory, could I take an existing digital back + 3d printed adapter plate = WINNER?

I just don't know of the drawbacks of going this route. I know the high ISO performance is crap on those (like ISO400+), but even then that seems usable for most photography I do.

Am I crazy? Could this be a thing?
I've been mulling this over, but would love your thoughts on this. I got the Bronica ETRSi mainly to shoot instax mini (and that will be up and running a few weeks)

And that's perfectly valid and fine, like I could opt to shoot 120 film etc .. all that good stuff.


I'm a digital gal..

I found that there are things like digital backs for medium format cameras, most are priced insanely high. But there seem to be older models that are about $1k and could work just fine.
Now I have a background in tinkering and armed with a 3D printer I can prototype a working adapter plate (with some metal reinforcement ofc). In theory, could I take an existing digital back + 3d printed adapter plate = WINNER?

I just don't know of the drawbacks of going this route. I know the high ISO performance is crap on those (like ISO400+), but even then that seems usable for most photography I do.

Am I crazy? Could this be a thing?
Not crazy, and can definitely be a thing. Some folks over at I think sell things like this…or maybe that’s the Instax adapters. Either way, I’ve seen 3D printed adapters on eBay for various hassleblad or Pentax digital backs to attach them to different 120 cameras. The part I’m unsure of is how you get the shutters all playing nice with each other, and there may be some other intricacies, but it should be doable!
Not crazy, and can definitely be a thing. Some folks over at I think sell things like this…or maybe that’s the Instax adapters. Either way, I’ve seen 3D printed adapters on eBay for various hassleblad or Pentax digital backs to attach them to different 120 cameras. The part I’m unsure of is how you get the shutters all playing nice with each other, and there may be some other intricacies, but it should be doable!
From my very limited understanding, the syncing of the shutter with the back is all done trough a PC sync cable. I don't have to figure that out (I hope).
Not crazy, and can definitely be a thing. Some folks over at I think sell things like this…or maybe that’s the Instax adapters. Either way, I’ve seen 3D printed adapters on eBay for various hassleblad or Pentax digital backs to attach them to different 120 cameras. The part I’m unsure of is how you get the shutters all playing nice with each other, and there may be some other intricacies, but it should be doable!

A mounting plate on an ETRS/i should be straightforward - couple of claws at the top and a couple of hooks at the bottom - I imagine those parts would need to be metal.

Set the camera to multi exposure and perhaps activate the sensor via the flash/pc socket?
I've been after an Olympus 17mm f2.8 lens to use on my little E-PM2.
I've bid on three recently on 'ee-why' and lost out again last night.
The first one I maxed out at £80, the second £90 and yesterday I bid just over the £100.
I was hoping to keep an eye on the closing stages but a family emergency meant I missed it and lost again. 🙄
I know that it's completely gratuitous, but ... I can't help finding the X100VI quite interesting, if only for its I.B.I.S. (I don't much care for the 40MP sensor, to be honest - I think the previous 26MP unit was better suited for such a camera, but that's probably just me).

That said, I'm actually more and more impressed by my (regrettably underused, to date) X100V, as I was one of the lucky ones to acquire one early (and at a discount - imagine that today ...). It may no longer be the latest and greatest, but it's really well rounded ... And its leaf shutter helps with handholding the camera in low light (I manage 1/15s without issue and have several shots at 1/8s and 1/6s that turned out fine). But from my experience with the FX Z bodies and my :mu43: cameras, I know the value of I.B.I.S. - if nothing else, it allows you the full use of those 40MP; at such a high pixel density (it's an APS-C sensor!), I.B.I.S. might actually safe the day more often than most people might think.

Anyhow, in spite of my admittedly considerable fascination with what might be the new best balanced premium compact, I might stick with its predecessor ... but maybe, just maybe ... We'll see once the X100VI actually becomes available in my neck of the woods.

I know that it's completely gratuitous, but ... I can't help finding the X100VI quite interesting[…]

I’m with you on the X100VI, Matt. I’ve owned each of the X100 series, though I - either sadly or humorously - only had the X100V for a short time.

Short story long, I had bought a mint pre-owned X100V in 2022 while just beginning some major medical stuff, but then decided that was a stupid time to be buying more cameras…so I quickly re-sold it thinking I’d just snap another one up a few months later when I could actually use it. Well that purchase never happened - I couldn’t find a new one anywhere, and I refused to pay above retail for a used one. I even special-ordered at an online retailer, but that was canceled by the retailer due to endless lack of supply. So, while I technically owned an X100V, I barely even used it - but really liked it. Eventually I gave up on actually getting another.

I’m impressed by the various updates Fuji has now added to the 6th model, so I’ve decided to pre-order. However, the various online chatter it now sounds like we may already be in a long-wait situation due to a massive volume of pre-orders. I didn’t get my order in on the first day, but it’d be awesome if it shows up before some extended travel starting in mid-May. We’ll see.