Feedback Getting Error on Desktop But Not Mobile

Thanks for raising this and for the fix, I was only able to find this thread via the site's twitter account as I couldn't access the site either, so if this thread wasn't here I'd still be unable to access the site and none the wiser. I suspect there's a lot of people who can't access the site right now.
I am receiving “an unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later”.

From Mac mini M4 pro 15.2 os version.

From Safari and Arc browser. I noticed it about an hour ago, so around 230 or 3pm EST.
Yes I am getting the same error message. I am on an iMac with the latest Mac OS. All day I have tried to connect to the home page and get the error. Even now on the New threads page if I click on the Home button I get the error?
I’ve been getting that error message since about this time yesterday. It didn’t occur to me to use Google to get beyond the homepage, that’s a good tip for next time.

I did try the Twitter and Mastodon accounts for Cameraderie but there was no update there about the status. Are those the best places to look when this site is unavailable?

Having done that, I stared out of the window for a bit before getting on with something useful.

Anyone still getting the error? If so, please try refreshing the page and let me know if you still get the error. I fixed the immediate problem but have to dig into what the cause was.

From what I can tell this morning it was only affecting the home page, the rest of the pages should have been fine. That is actually why I didn't see it yesterday, because I check in on my phone but the last URL is usually the What's New page which was still working.
maybe there is an time delay ? cause the Vukcan I send on your Post is just to be seen if your are logged
but the all old "likes" (fix) you can see even if you are unlogged

unlogged I can not see my own last posting ?
even if I refresh the page

the cam on the avatra is stil blinking in logged off
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Anyone still getting the error? If so, please try refreshing the page and let me know if you still get the error. I fixed the immediate problem but have to dig into what the cause was.

From what I can tell this morning it was only affecting the home page, the rest of the pages should have been fine. That is actually why I didn't see it yesterday, because I check in on my phone but the last URL is usually the What's New page which was still working.
Looks fine to me. Homepage works. Good job 👍
I’ve been getting that error message since about this time yesterday. It didn’t occur to me to use Google to get beyond the homepage, that’s a good tip for next time.

I did try the Twitter and Mastodon accounts for Cameraderie but there was no update there about the status. Are those the best places to look when this site is unavailable?

Having done that, I stared out of the window for a bit before getting on with something useful.

The Twitter account posts newly started threads, not necessarily the home page so when I clicked on one such Twitter post it took me to the page without issue (to reiterate, not the home page). So that’s what I’ll do if the issue crops up again (or of course type “/forums/“ in addition to the web address as suggested by @AmritR which worked just fine too).
I thought that the Twitter page was where the site owner would let us know when the site was down (assuming that he knows himself), which is why I checked there after the error message persisted for a few hours.

Meanwhile I've added a second bookmark below the one I usually use for Cameraderie, which takes me to the forums page, in case the same problem crops up again one day.
