Leica Hand made cardboard cameras......


From the website I found:

"Charming eccentric or tolerated local boogyman? The townspeople of Kyjov in Czech Republic could never quite decide. Miroslav Tichý took nearly a hundred photographs a day with his homemade camera, wandering around the streets of his hometown, often spotted at bus stops, the main square, the park and the swimming pool, although he was frequently arrested for lingering around the local pool taking pictures of unsuspecting women."

Anyway, this guy captured amazing images. Talk about the ultimate photojournalist/street photographer. What do you think?

The Reclusive Peeping Tom Photographer and his Cardboard Camera
What he did to improvise cameras, let alone telephoto lenses, is absolutely amazing.
What he did to improvise cameras, let alone telephoto lenses, is absolutely amazing.

Yes, and the work was pretty good too.... Those cardboard cameras were absolute genius for street photography. Nobody would be intimidated by such a camera! Although being "photographed" by an apparently crazy guy might be LOL!