Hello From LA

Karen Cole

Los Angeles, CA
Hi to all. I've just received my Panasonic LX5 today from Samy's Camera here in Los Angeles. I've been waiting for it's arrival since it was announced..watching Amazon, B&H and others for 1st availability. Samy's got it in this past week and for a lower price than Amazon's plus free shipping!

Already a member of the MU-43 forum with the Panasonic GF1, I thought I'd come over here with my LX5. The MU43 is a fabulous community and I've learned a great deal and have made some awesome friends and hoping for the same here.

Live in Los Angeles, retired magazine publishing professional on the business side but have scheduled and been present at hundreds of photo shoots. Love photography but never had what seemed like enough time to pursue..now I do. :biggrin:

Looking forward to meeting you all.
Sample Pics from LX5

Here's 3 pics from the Panasonic LX5 All taken handheld with either no adjustments or very minor adj in LR3. Photos are in member gallery with all EXIF info.
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