Hello from Norway!

Hi Vidar

I'm one of the nuts from M43

why did you chose the 90 over the 95

great to have you here - but you will have to put up with BB (BBW) - she is the head honcho, (mod) - so just keep it "tight" and orderly

Thanks Bill!

I chose the S90 because of the price, a webshop had a great offer, and I think it is more than good enough for me and my girlfriends (amateur) needs..

I will try to behave... Don´t wanna get on BB´s bad list...:wink:
Vidar, Waz up Brother?
Fancy meeting you here.

I hope you will enjoy the aggravate BB ideas.
If you do a double post, she gets in a frenzy...
It's cool ya gotta see her in action....

Now I have someone to do the music thread with...

The S90 is a good camera. Like you mine was stole also.
My daughter claimed eminent domain and now I get to visit the camera sometimes.....
Seeya 'round...
Thanks mate. Glad you are here too, your photos and words are a big inspiration for me, even if my photos is not in the same genre as yours (and certainly not the same quality.

I will NEVER double post...... When BB is the sherrif I will follow her Law.

IS there a music thread here? Is this a forum where Compact discs and compact cameras go hand in hand?