Feedback Hieroglyphics only


Curious why when I logged in and view recent posts everything is hieroglyphics. Japanese, Chinese??

Ah that dreaded

SI y
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See how this goes.
Well! Thanks.
I was a real fan of this keyboard, but got fed up with every time I typed sh it offered the s h I t word and despite countless telling to ignore it persisted.
Samsung has not once offered that.

I'm now on AI keyboard and that too seems okay.
Interesting. Just changed back to Samsung's and it went ballistic and had to edit above
@Avondale87 Unfortunately the software vendor has not placed a high priority on fixing it. 🙁

At the moment they seem content to chalk it up as being a 'Samsung issue' but I don't think they realize just how many people use the default keyboard app and/or Samsung browser on their devices.
See how this goes.
Well! Thanks.
I was a real fan of this keyboard, but got fed up with every time I typed sh it offered the s h I t word and despite countless telling to ignore it persisted.
Samsung has not once offered that.

I'm now on AI keyboard and that too seems okay.
Interesting. Just changed back to Samsung's and it went ballistic and had to edit above
Well, that's what happens if you train "AI" on human behaviour - as if what many do is what's desirable. That's never been true.

Other than that, thanks for the software tip - though "AI keyboard" is precisely what makes me wary now 😉

Ai.type keyboard isn't any better.
It constantly wanted to insert the f word in all it's forms.
I complained but they did nothing.
I notice now that doesn't happen so readily. But try typing a certain name, get to c and all the derivatives are offered!
And it appears one can't delete from memory
See how this goes.
Well! Thanks.
I was a real fan of this keyboard, but got fed up with every time I typed sh it offered the s h I t word and despite countless telling to ignore it persisted.
Samsung has not once offered that.

I'm now on AI keyboard and that too seems okay.
Interesting. Just changed back to Samsung's and it went ballistic and had to edit above
Try Hacker's Keyboard from Google play school.
Well, I never get offered the "s" or "f" words of my language by SwiftKey, and I don't remember that being the case initially, either.

Maybe a little patience may help?

Matt I gather you are referring to something other than English?
I hadn't thought of such and only know English. No idea what similar words are in other languages and not interested.
They're not words in my vocabulary and was some what bemused when it first happened.

I'm not sure how many times one needs to tell an app a word isn't welcome.
Swiftkey latched on to my typing extremely quickly and I was surprised it just refused to get the message to but off.

I think they've upped their game though which is good.