How's weather at your place?

The hottest temparatures since measurements began for most months this year.
At the moment we're in between 32 and 40°C.
Measurements over here are a mix of town stations and stations in secluded nature.
Its the UK here, well Summer was Monday and Tuesday and we are back to the rain:

Monday and Tuesday were the only days I can remember when it just didn't feel like southern England here, in terms of the heat. Particularly after dark. Previously, I've only ever experienced temperature like that in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

And yes, I can remember the famous long hot summer of 1976, but that was remarkable more for how long it lasted than for the absolute temperatures we experienced.

Still adjusting to the massive change in temperature compared to last weekend. So not sleeping well (and a bum knee isn't helping ).
Weather is pretty nice though at roughly 20C with open skies with a few clouds. But were heading into a warmer weekend again.
At 8:00AM it's already 23C with 73% humidity, headed to 30C and sunny. Fortunately we live downtown with water on 3 sides. Unfortunately I have a meeting about 12km inland at the hottest part of the afternoon. The train isn't air conditioned but this is nothing compared to what my American relatives are enduring.