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New Member
Komoka, Ontario, Canada
Steven Blake
Good day, Thanks for adding me to your community. I’m looking forward to engaging and learning with other photographers. A little about myself:

I’ve been taking/making photographs since I purchased my first camera 1971, a Minolta SRT102 (wish I still had it for nostalgia reasons). I currently have a DSLR system based on the Canon 5DIV with L level glass: 16-35, 24-105, 100 macro and 100-400. I owned and sold a number of others but these are the ones in my current DSLR kit. In addition to this I have 2 Leica cameras, more recently acquired. The Q2 and Q2M. TBH I have only rarely picked up the Canon system since getting the Leicas. I’m currently pondering trading in the Canon system and the Q2 and replacing with a Leica SL2 and lens🙄 (I know, I know). Additionally, I post process primarily in LR and PS with occasional use of other programs.

Anyway, that’s me. Looking forward to going through the forums and seeing what’s happening with others.

I was going to attach a pic from the Q2M but was unable to. I was told it had an incorrect extension. I assume b/c it was a .png file which I tend to use for social media posts. Is there a way to post .png files?
JPEGs are allowed, the attachment function is not set for PNG.
Highest quality JPEG is lossless, typically gets a 3:1 compression scheme compared with formats like PNG. Standard JPEG also includes lossless mode where "Huffman Code" results in the space savings. You can use Lightroom to do a "save as" jpeg. PNG is often used for bit mapped graphics.
I just saved a Jpeg as PNG, and could not upload it.
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Good day, Thanks for adding me to your community. I’m looking forward to engaging and learning with other photographers. A little about myself:

I’ve been taking/making photographs since I purchased my first camera 1971, a Minolta SRT102 (wish I still had it for nostalgia reasons). I currently have a DSLR system based on the Canon 5DIV with L level glass: 16-35, 24-105, 100 macro and 100-400. I owned and sold a number of others but these are the ones in my current DSLR kit. In addition to this I have 2 Leica cameras, more recently acquired. The Q2 and Q2M. TBH I have only rarely picked up the Canon system since getting the Leicas. I’m currently pondering trading in the Canon system and the Q2 and replacing with a Leica SL2 and lens🙄 (I know, I know). Additionally, I post process primarily in LR and PS with occasional use of other programs.

Anyway, that’s me. Looking forward to going through the forums and seeing what’s happening with others.

I was going to attach a pic from the Q2M but was unable to. I was told it had an incorrect extension. I assume b/c it was a .png file which I tend to use for social media posts. Is there a way to post .png files?
Welcome to the best photo display site around.
Welcome, Steven! If I'm not mistaken, Komoka is only a hop, skip and a jump away from London (the Ontario one, not the English one) which puts you rather close to Detroit as well, doesn't it? And from what I can tell, once one goes down the garden path that twists and turns through Leicaland, it's a lost cause for the cameras you used (and possibly even loved) before. With me, it was the opposite - I started out, a million years ago, using an ancient Leica rangefinder, a IIIf that belonged to my father, but I was never so happy as the day when I got my first Pentax Spotmatic. A lot of people used to shoot with SRT101's then but (maybe it's because half my neurons are rotting) I don't remember seeing that many SRT102s - what were the differences between them and their predecessor?

There are quite a few great photographers who produce wonderful images with SL2s, including one or two here on Cameraderie - but if you start reading Kirk Tuck's blog, he might halfway convince you that in spite of the many virtues of the SL2, the truly fine Leica is its discontinued sibling, the SL1. With regards to my own idiosyncrasies, I have to echo what Steve (@drd1135) said-- my only Q is a tiny Pentax. But enough nattering about cameras... I'm looking forwards to seeing some of your images, no matter which device took them 🙂
Welcome, Steven! If I'm not mistaken, Komoka is only a hop, skip and a jump away from London (the Ontario one, not the English one) which puts you rather close to Detroit as well, doesn't it? And from what I can tell, once one goes down the garden path that twists and turns through Leicaland, it's a lost cause for the cameras you used (and possibly even loved) before. With me, it was the opposite - I started out, a million years ago, using an ancient Leica rangefinder, a IIIf that belonged to my father, but I was never so happy as the day when I got my first Pentax Spotmatic. A lot of people used to shoot with SRT101's then but (maybe it's because half my neurons are rotting) I don't remember seeing that many SRT102s - what were the differences between them and their predecessor?

There are quite a few great photographers who produce wonderful images with SL2s, including one or two here on Cameraderie - but if you start reading Kirk Tuck's blog, he might halfway convince you that in spite of the many virtues of the SL2, the truly fine Leica is its discontinued sibling, the SL1. With regards to my own idiosyncrasies, I have to echo what Steve (@drd1135) said-- my only Q is a tiny Pentax. But enough nattering about cameras... I'm looking forwards to seeing some of your images, no matter which device took them 🙂
Haha, 1971 was a long time ago. I bought the SRT102 because it was current and I could afford it. I don’t recall being as interested in “nuanced” observations then as I am now.