It's Over: The Last Heat (lots of images...)

I showed the first set to my father-in-law today, who used to work for Jones and Laughlin Steel. He sends his best. He's at least half deaf, I'm not sure he understood what photos I was going to show him when I asked him to come to the computer, but when he focused on the first one, his face lit up! He recognized all the equipment but the computer screens, and of course his final pronouncement was, "Those are good photos. He has a really good camera."

Ha ha! Well, it IS a good camera isn't it? Please give him my regards as well and thanks.
"Those are good photos. He has a really good camera."

Ooooooh dear god, how I wish it was just the camera.

Stunning pieces as always, just sucked the wind out of me. There's a crazy sense of scale in that plant - you see part of an image, and your brain begins to take a guess at the size of a cauldron etc. Then your eye scrolls down to a tiny human next to it, and there's a jarring second where your brain recalibrates the scale.

For me, right now, you're the bar I dream of reaching.
These are fabulous shots & a true record you should cherish

When I was a lad (15 years old) my Dad arranged a visit to a local Steel Plant for me. A big place over 3 miles long every bit of it noisy, dirty, dusty, with white hot heat stealing your eyebrows .. it was sold as a potential appenticeship job in case I failed my exams. If anything the visit was a turning point & drove me to work harder for those exams.

Good luck for your future John.