Kapekodder from Cape Cod!

Another refugee from m4/3! My experience on the other site has been a "breath of fresh air" ! Simply put, I hope that I can contribute in a positive way to the friendly atmosphere and offer some of my experiences/answers as I continue passionately with my photography. The term "serious compact" is a goal in my household as my kit bag has gotten too big and weighs way too much! :smile::smile:
Thanks for the welcoming comments! In my search for the "serious compact, the pros of continuing with an EP-2 still seems to make most sense as I'm comfortable about the compatibility of my 4/3 Oly lenses, but......the Panasonics keep calling me. Part of me thinks the GH-1 with the 20mm and a 14-45 could replace most of my large gear now. (Got the 45-200 and the Lumix MA-1 last week so a partial Panny kit is now in the house)

We'll see how this plays out. Anyone interested in some lightly used e-410s, trades might be considered;):smile: