GAS Latest Shiny Things (non camera related)

icom 718-topaz beskåret.jpeg

Hohoho, he shoots- he scores!

A deal has been struck with a non-licencee, which has sporadically been using it for listening. Packed in its original cartoon with some of the accesories still in its shrink wrap.
Today's trip "ad fontes" ("to the source(s)") was a really pleasant surprise. I called in at BRÜKO's - and found it to be a privately owned, small, two-person enterprise. They were a bit reluctant to let me visit at first, but it turned into a great experience because Mrs. and Mr. Pfeiffer gave me a whole host of instruments to try, catered to my preferences (some of which only became clear when playing the instruments). They were both very helpful - and Mr. Pfeiffer also decided to give me a little tour of the workshop and very interesting insights on wood and the various properties of different kinds (including 16'000 years old "Mooreiche" - wood that fell into a moor all this time ago, was conserved and can now be made into instruments).

All this ended with me deciding to buy and reserving two(!) specific instruments, one classic concert made from local cherry wood and one pineapple type ukulele with mahogany body. All instruments are full wood types, sound open and fresh, but with lots of ring and body to the sound. The only fly in the ointment: I simply can't travel with them in the van at current temperatures - it'd almost certainly damage the instruments. That means home delivery come August ... I'll share images then.

First piece of the puzzle, so to speak. This will be my first computer in 16 years. Eight pieces total, I will buy each one by one as they go on sale. Of course PSU will be the last as they have limited shelf life. This one was $50 CAD off $155.

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