Stroll Liminal spaces


Belgrade, Serbia
Mladen Čoko
Post your images of any interior or exterior places which are temporarily or permanently devoid of people.

*I put this thread in the stroll category since I seem to stumble into ''these places'' by strolling into or by or through them.
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The Cobar to Menindee Lakes road, which started my brain bleed on its way. 195 kilometres of this at about 100-130 kmh, with up to 6 inch drop offs and extremely uneven surfaces, soft sandy bits, serious corrugations.

I should have dropped my tyre pressures to about 26-28 psi all round, instead of the 36 psi I was running. However, I didn't have either a pressure gauge or a compressor with us.

We saw two other cars in that ~200 kms ...

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Liminal. It's my new favorite word. It defines a lot of things that catch my eye.

I really like this picture and I could never quite put my finger on why. Maybe it's because we've got two liminal forces competing. Will people return to picnic behind the sign, or will the river eat the bank before that can happen? We're in a moment that could suggest either.

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Liminal. It's my new favorite word.
Agree. I've always known "subliminal", of course, but never realised that "liminal" existed as a root word. Thanks, Mladen (@Coksic ).

At last count, there are some 900,000+ item words in English.
I suppose that one cannot know them all.
It defines a lot of things that catch my eye.
I really like this picture and I could never quite put my finger on why. Maybe it's because we've got two liminal forces competing. Will people return to picnic behind the sign, or will the river eat the bank before that can happen? We're in a moment that could suggest either.

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It's a brilliant photo, Ken.