@Irene McC Thanks for letting me know about the search; as part of the updates the add-ons related to searching have changed a little bit so I just rebuilt the cache and searching for
a-z no rules
now returns results as expected.
@wee-pics &
@MoonMind Should be showing again now, thanks. The option Walter is referring to is that when viewing individual threads (
like this one) that a sidebar can be optionally shown with some widgets like they are shown on the front page, the forum listing page, and some other spots. Having the sidebar shown there is not an 'out-of-the-box' thing with the software and members need to go into their settings to explicitly set the option on. Here's a screenshot of the setting when members go into their "Preferences" settings. Walter, if you still don't see the sidebar, let me know and I'll take another look.
View attachment 523606
@Charzes44 Nothing should have changed with how images are shown in the posts. 🤔 From what you're describing, my guess is that your iOS device has a screen resolution that is big enough for the image to be displayed fully.