Challenge! March Symposium: The Small Sensor Look.


iPhone 12. It’s amazing to see how much work goes into setting up an exhibit. Many times the art works have to be assembled and sometimes even created in the gallery.
Some time ago, on a whim, I invested a little money in a Kickstarter project: a pack of beautiful Tarot-style cards, illustrated by Jen May and with commentary from the writer, literary critic and essayist, Jessa Crispin. Most of the time, the pack sits unused, inside its (rather elegantly designed) case, on a bookshelf in my writing office; but this morning, on a whim, I opened it and took a card out at random---

The Libra card.

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In part of her commentary, Jessa Crispin notes that Libra is concerned with both connections and correcting injustices. She comments, philosophically, "where there is balance, though, there is often imbalance."

I think that's probably true in photography, as well as in life.
Ever provocative, Miguel. I come from a family of Tarot card readers and mystics. Fun times playing Ouija late into the evening.