Documentary My Photo Diary: Buloke Collectible Vehicle Club Show N Shine 2024


Top Veteran
Last weekend the Buloke Collectible Vehicle Club Show N Shine was held at the Birchip Leisure Centre. This is in Buloke Shire in the middle of the Wimmera/Mallee region of rural Victoria, an area of abundant open space. The car we took has firm suspension, and the roads we took had many rumples and potholes. I felt rather ill.

There was a great turnout of cars and motorcycles, with only a small selection shown here.

I carried my Panasonic GX9 with Panasonic Leica 12-60mm, and regretted not choosing the G85 instead for the articulating screen. These were all shot in JPEG and edited in Snapseed.

As usual, I'll post in batches, and proclaim when it's the end.

Let's go!

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This Moke was unusual to me, I'm not sure I've seen a hard top version before. I can't imagine getting into the front seats through that tiny door is any fun, unless you're a clown in a circus act!

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Now, on to the black and white edits. Most of these were shot in colour and converted later, though some were shot with the L. Monochrome D filter, but still edited afterwards. (I'm not sure there's much benefit in that, to be honest.)

This fun setup was put together by the wife of one of these gentlemen, who was quick to take no credit for it! She was elsewhere when I came by - a pity, as I did spy her in her matching outfit from a distance.

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(This and one other are BW conversions of photos already posted in the colour section.)

There are so many vehicles I didn't photograph: many simply didn't interest me (too new, too Holden, etc); others had too many distractions surrounding them, like the handsome Valiant Charger enclosed by bunting flags.
I have enjoyed your car show photos. I often wonder why some people do all the stuff to their cars.
Thank you.

Me also, and to each their own. I'm currently having one of my classic cars renovated, after being T-boned by a feral deer; everything is as true to the original style as is practical and possible, restoring in preference to modifying. Not that I'm against modifications and an individual approach, it's just my preference in this situation.

Here's a teaser - I'll share more once she's all new.

'...slightly shabby in the best of ways.' That's what we call patina and nothing shabby about it if it came by it from good old use.

Great pictures, really enjoyed them, though it is a little unsettling seeing American cars with the steering wheel on the right side of the driver's compartment. Makes me feel like I'm looking in a mirror.
Keep up the good work!
I have enjoyed your car show photos. I often wonder why some people do all the stuff to their cars.
I generally prefer original as well, but sometimes it makes sense.

Cars that were modified in a specific time frame (before they were valuable) for a good reason - I don't mind. For example, I own a 1969 Alfa Romeo gtv that has been modified as an endurance racer in the 90s after it was hit by a bus. At the time it was not worth a lot and the previous owner made it a wide body gtam replica, it wouldn't make any sense to do that today...

Fwiw, it is a really great driver, tons of fun if you can handle the race car suspension and interior