My turn on the health merry go 'round.


Hall of Famer
As mentioned earlier for the Single In challenge and a few other posts, I've been having to deal with some health stuff this year.

Long story short...

I had a nodule growing in the right lobe of my thyroid, several in my left lobe. Bloodwork numbers have always been fine, needle biopsies have all been good. Size of the right lobe got to where the otolaryngologist strongly recommended removal. Had a bilateral thyroidectomy 9 November. Recovery has been a bit faster than anticipated, healing well, bloodwork is normal, and I feel better than I have since the mid-'90s.

Biopsy came back about 2 weeks later. They found several tumors, one quite large, and another smaller one considered "concerning". Based on the biopsy report, my personal and family medical history, the recommendation is to treat aggressively. So, I go back into surgery 9 January to have the left lobe removed.

As I understand it, after the biopsy report on the left lobe, oncology will review my case and make recommendations regarding any further diagnostics and/ or treatments. At this time the only thing I know is the other lobe is getting removed and I'll find out what happens next, later.

So, I will be participating here as I have time and feel up to it until I recover from surgery #2. Goal is to re-attain as much of my conditioning as possible before January, and start working on regaining it again as soon as cleared in order to make the Thunder & Lightning Over Arizona Airshow at Davis Monthan AFB 22 & 23 March.

Anyone in southeast Arizona planning on going, feel free to hit me up. I'd enjoy the company.
Hope it goes as well as it can and you continue to heal quickly from the current and upcoming surgery.

Thanks. The nurse that checked me in for the one-week follow-up was surprised at how good the incision looked, as was the surgeon, so I guess I'm healing better than expected. I guess I'll see if it repeats on the next.

Biggest issue is getting conditioning back. Amazing as we age, it is so much easier to lose that in a relatively short time, but seems to take forever to regain.
Wishing you the best possible outcomes in every possible way, Gordon. My older sister had a total thyroidectomy at a very young age (without which she wouldn't have survived), and I know, from personal experience, that one has to keep on keeping on, so to speak. I'd like to simply add my good vibes to those I know are already coming your way.
Wishing you the best possible outcomes in every possible way, Gordon. My older sister had a total thyroidectomy at a very young age (without which she wouldn't have survived), and I know, from personal experience, that one has to keep on keeping on, so to speak. I'd like to simply add my good vibes to those I know are already coming your way.

Thanks Miguel. Keep on keeping on is right, the alternatives are not desirable IMHO.
Sorry to hear that, mate. However, very glad that it was (hopefully) caught in time.

I agree about the recovery.
It's like rolling an enormous rock uphill, one slip up, and you are back at the bottom, metaphorically speaking.

In my own case, I reckon that I'm still recovering after my surgeries in January and February this year. Of course, I may never fully recover - an occupational hazard as we get older, unfortunately.
Wishing you all the best, Gordon.
As one who's experienced the hell of cancer and cancer treatment I can deeply feel with you and understand what you're going through. Cancer treatment has made big progress since I had mine in 2005, so there is hope. And don't forget: there is scientific evidence that those who have a positive look at life have more chances to get out of this, as they are activating their self-healing forces.