New from San Francisco


New Member
San Francisco
I don't actually have a newer small compact, just an old Canon S110 (2 whole MP!), but I am looking to get one in the near future. I've had several times since getting more into photography that I've wanted a smaller camera and not my DSLR and associated lens. At the same time I'm spoiled with the image quality and flexibility that a DSLR allows. Since you guys are "serious" about compacts I thought I might find some good recommendations here for a camera that gives you some of the best of both camera styles. Thanks!
Micro-4/3 or Sony NEX are interchangeable lens cameras that are smaller than full frame. I have a Panasonic GF1, which is small enough (with lens) to fit in a (okay, rather large) shirt pocket, but still small enough to carry with me all the time. It's sitting at my right elbow as we speak.
tybeck, welcome to Serious Compacts! I do think that if you look around here - check out the front page stories and read through the different threads, you'll get a pretty good idea about a good cross section of smaller cameras. Please make yourself at home. I look forward to your questions and involvement here.
Hello and welcome - lots of good info here - agree if you are serious about IQ the mirrorless bodies by Olympus, Panasonic, Sony and Samsung give a good choice. You will find yourself tempted to spend more on the array of interchangeable lenses tho'. Ricoh has a different approach with lens and sensor combined and interchangeable on the body - more expensive again. Lots of supporters here too for the Panna LX5, Canon S95 or G11/12 and the new Nikon P7000 looks interesting.
Welcome you're from a great city

For a compact (If budget allows) I think its hard to go past the Olympus E-P2 great IQ and the EVF it come with is superb and a neat capable collapsing kit lens.

As a second the GF1 is excellent so too the Olympus E-PL1 (best bang for your buck)

btw I left my heart in San Francisco .. just like in the Song ........:smile:

Thanks for all of the replies and recommendations! I have a lot of homework to do.

Living in SF is wonderful from a photography point of view, so much to capture. This is part of the reason I'm looking for a camera I can carry with me with ease.
You're more than welcome, tybeck. Any questions, fire away. Any thoughts you want some first hand feedback on - don't hesitate.This is a great time in the camera world for small, easy to carry cameras - AKA serious compacts. Looking forward to hearing how things go!:popcorm2::biggrin: