Film Not exactly film , but...


Picked up this Victorian / Edwardian glass positive some years ago, scanned it, and this is it, warts and all.
Im not sure if its the right way round as the glass is shiney on both sides, I'd love to know where this was taken but have no info whatsoever, I'm assuming it was somewhere in England .
I'm sure there are editing programmes that will clean this up and have it looking like new, but I kinda like it as it is with all the imperfections that its picked up over the years .
victorian slide 4012 (1).jpg
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Picked up this Victorian / Edwardian glass positive some years ago, scanned it, and this is it, warts and all.
Im not sure if its the right way round as the glass is shiney on both sides, I'd love to know where this was taken but have no info whatsoever, I'm assuming it was somewhere in England .
I'm sure there are editing programmes that will clean this up and have it looking like new, but I kinda like it as it is with all the imperfections that its picked up over the years .
View attachment 475563
it is a historic photo so it is quite acceptable to view it in its present state
to support this thread I scanned my probably oldest photo
it is an ambrotype - in fact a glass negative with the layer painted in black-
I bought this item yours ago from an antiques dealer at Eye, Suffolk (UK) and it is only a shard that I have truly treasured
no cleaning up done of course
View attachment 475865
I love these very old images, like a window back I time, they get me wondering what her world was like, what did she sound like etc, I find these things all very interesting.