Help "Parsing response failed" error on upload - and duplicate threads on edit?!

I've been getting these most of the time in the last couple of days; images upload okay but aren't displayed in the post after upload. I have to save and then edit the post concerned to place the images. Very vexing! I'd really like to know if this is caused on my end (VPN or such?) or is a server or software issue ...

In the same context, I seem to created duplicate threads on edit - this is vexing because I have to chase and delete these, especially if they happen in the "Challenge" section.

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I had a similar incident to your first problem earlier this week.
Posted my daily challenge image and noticed later that it never actually posted.
In my case there wasn't an entry to edit. It was like I had never posted at all. Had to start a new post an upload again.
So far it has only been the one time.
I use the same method I've been using for years now: Drag and drop from my perferred image viewer (XnView, version 1.4.5, unchanged since 10 May 2023). Upload completes, then the "Parsing response failed" window pops up, the images (of course - considering the type of error) isn't displayed, but once you post the post (duh ...), the attachment is shown. This happens regardless of the camera the file is from or the size of the file. Sometimes, things work as expected, but at the moment, I usually get the error.

I started this thread on the second day this happened because I suspected some glitch with files from a very old camera (hasn't happened before, though - but you never know). But that's not it, that's definite.

Okay, it also doesn't depend on the computer used (the same happened using three different Windows machines - one running Windows 10 Pro, one Windows 11 Pro, one Windows 11 Home); also, it doesn't appear to be a XnView issue - the exact same thing happened when uploading from Windows Explorer.

Could VPN be responsible? After switching off Surfshark, the image displayed as normal ...

Join to see EXIF info for this image (if available)

EDIT: The first attachment was a result of the first, failed upload attempt.

EDIT 2: It certainly appears that Surfshark is to blame ... Switching servers didn't help, either.

EDIT 3: Yep, it seems to be a basic VPN error - or rather, a specific problem with Surfshark; I tried to switch off the "CleanWeb" filter (scripting control), but no effect.

EDIT 4: Okay, it becomes ever more apparent: There as to be a glitch in Surfhark causing this - sorry for bothering you, Kevin! I whitelisted Cameraderie, but that hasn't helped either, so whenever Surfshark handles the upload the parsing error tends to occur.

Maybe there's a problem with the protocol (encoding) - but Wireguard is said to be very robust. Anyhow, I'm not going to pester you with that any further. I have two solutions now, and since it's my setup causing this, I can't expect you to solve it.



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Could VPN be responsible? After switching off Surfshark, the image displayed as normal ...
At the moment I can't say for sure because I can't duplicate it so far.

I've tried gifs (both animated & static), images that are larger than the max dimensions so the site would resize it, images that are smaller than the max dimensions so that the size don't resize them, I've tried invalid file formats to see if the error message is displayed properly, and just about any other scenario of uploading an image. Next up will be trying different browsers, etc.
See my edits, Kevin. I guess I'll have to put up with this at least until Surfshark issue their next app update.

I can deal with it - either I disconnect Surfshark while accessing Cameraderie (unlikely - I usually have many tabs with many sites open), or I use the "Edit" method. Tedious, but it could be worse.

Slight update..... in regards to it being maybe related to the VPN, the answer is "Yes"! 😲

I just came across a support thread over at XenForo with this issue and, at least in that thread, the person was using "NordVPN" and their solution was to turn off the option to "Hide my IP".

I'll need to experiment a bit since I don't use a VPN at the moment.
Nice lead ...

... but no joy. Switching off the "NoBorders" feature (that should make tracing impossible) doesn't help, I don't hide IPs or rotate them even though I could via the app.

EDIT: Avast offer a free VPN tier with their Avast One product ... (only 5GB a month, but for testing, it should be enough).



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To add another interesting observation about Surfshark causing issues: My online TV app (running in the browser) tells me my (top end) laptop can't display high-resolution video. Which is ridiculous. It's a UHD display driven by a dedicated GPU that's capable of 4K playback ...

Anyhow, my next hunch was things were connected to Wireguard - a protocol change/bug? But that doesn't seem to be the case: Switching protocols didn't help either.



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I’ve just run into this “Parsing response failed” error tonight, and found this thread while searching for a solution. I’m attempting to upload an image to a post in the daily image challenge from my iPad, on my own private home wifi address (not a VPN). Same workflow as I’ve been using for 4 months or so, without an issue. Tonight I’ve tried restarts, logging out and back in, saving post as draft, but image won’t upload. If I attempt to “post reply” I get a pop-up telling me my upload hasn’t finished uploading. But after 40 minutes, same response. It doesn’t seem to be a slow connection, as I’m uploading fine on other sites and services.

It seems like I experienced this once briefly a few months ago, but it resolved after a couple upload attempts. Not this time. Any ideas?
I’ve just run into this “Parsing response failed” error tonight, and found this thread while searching for a solution. I’m attempting to upload an image to a post in the daily image challenge from my iPad, on my own private home wifi address (not a VPN). Same workflow as I’ve been using for 4 months or so, without an issue. Tonight I’ve tried restarts, logging out and back in, saving post as draft, but image won’t upload. If I attempt to “post reply” I get a pop-up telling me my upload hasn’t finished uploading. But after 40 minutes, same response. It doesn’t seem to be a slow connection, as I’m uploading fine on other sites and services.

It seems like I experienced this once briefly a few months ago, but it resolved after a couple upload attempts. Not this time. Any ideas?
The fact that it was persistent is pretty unique, to be honest. Usually, just closing the tab and trying again does the trick. Did you use drag and drop to start the upload? Sometimes (extremely rarely) this won't work due to some script acting up - if that happens, you have to clean out your cache (and possibly re-loggin after doing that) before trying again. It's also advisable to use "Attach files" if something like this happens - that initiates a different script. But that's the only reason I can think of - I didn't experience any major problems lately (I'm almost always working from behind a VPN, btw.).

Parsing errors mean the server can't handle the file for some reason - commonly, it signals that something has gone wrong on upload, possibly causing some kind of data corruption. It also happens if you try to upload RAW files, though. At times, it's caused by some hickup on the server, though - maybe something for @Kevin to look at.

Hope this can be resolved quickly.

I've had this parsing error from time to time, too. My way of solving it (with iMac and Firefox latest version 115.6):
Open preferences in Firefox, go to security, click on Cookies and Website Data and delete Website Data.
When I re-open the page (this is important: re-open, I use alt plus open) all temporary memory of the contents of the previously opened page seems to be deleted and the upload then went without any problems.