Fuji Paul McDonough NYC Street Photography

Maybe not the most visually appealing collection of this type of work that I have seen, but still a fascinating window into both a time and place that is foreign to me. Long live street photography (or whatever else it might be called).
It's interesting that he found the term "street photography" repellent.The first pic is amazing.

Agreed 100%. What kind of luck would you need to find that particular blind man, that old woman and so many Hare Krishnas together in one spot, never mind all of them arranged in perfect pose and composition. I have to wonder how McDonough approached his process - did he see the seated man and standing Krishnas, adjust his settings and wait until the right passerby stepped into position, or was he blessed with so much luck that he saw the scene assemble, aimed and shot and got this photo?

Even the "mundane" shots in this small series are terrific, they capture something human (in addition to revisiting the City 30-40 years ago).

He's not Vivian Maier, who captured magic, but he really did "get" NY. I want his eye.