Hall of Famer
- Location
- Somerset, UK
- Name
- Ovi
Photobucket has announced it will change the terms of usage for other service and automatically OPT YOU IN by default (if you do not reply to them in 2 weeks) to allow them to use biometric information (any information that can identify you including face, fingerprints, body, specific aspects of your description, etc) to train AI AND TO SELL THE RESULTS TO OTHERS (of which you will not be compensated or informed by). There is no Opt Out button or option and you have to contact them directly and deal with them, though it's probably going to be refused their service).
OPTING OUT REQUIRE ACCOUNT DETELTION ... meaning they are changing the terms of service by refusing service if you don't agree to the changes you did not signed in for when you made the terms of usage and service.
Looks like every single company will be going down the road of changing the terms of sales/usage/service AFTER the sale/initial contract/service agreement ... while most seems to NOT GIVE YOU A DISAGREE OPTION (LG TVs for example) OR DELETE/BRICK/TERMINATE YOUR PURCHASE/DEVICE/SERVICE.
Example 2.0:
Example 3.0: