Having shuffled a bit back and forth, searching, reading and with a blinding flash of the obvious, I would like to suggest a forum in the "other gear" segment in regards of lighting, for your consideration.
Covering all sort of "non-natural" lighting stuff: On camera speed-lights, off camera flash, 1, 2, many units set-ups etcetera as well as techniques, gear and all sorts which relates to artificial lighting and manipulation of that.
There are some nice treads here in that regard, but they seem to be spread and somewhat buried all over the place.
My impression is that the treads tend to end up in the forum which houses the camera system the OP uses, and it would/could possibly open up for getting more discussions going on the topic, if it got its own easy to find "home" so to speak.
Covering all sort of "non-natural" lighting stuff: On camera speed-lights, off camera flash, 1, 2, many units set-ups etcetera as well as techniques, gear and all sorts which relates to artificial lighting and manipulation of that.
There are some nice treads here in that regard, but they seem to be spread and somewhat buried all over the place.
My impression is that the treads tend to end up in the forum which houses the camera system the OP uses, and it would/could possibly open up for getting more discussions going on the topic, if it got its own easy to find "home" so to speak.