Film Probably My Most Annoying Film Habit...


Accidental Pentaxian
... is not remembering the status of film rolls. I like to rewind film leaving the leader out, to make it easy to develop in my Lab-Box. But much of the time, there's not enough of a crimp left in the leader for me to know for sure that I've loaded & unloaded it in the past. So I stare at a roll and wonder "did I shoot this roll?" And, "which do I prefer: risking a double-exposed roll, or developing an unexposed one?" I usually opt for the latter, and I've developed three rolls recently with nothing, or next to nothing, on them. Oh yeah, sometimes I shoot a few frames, change my mind, and rewind the film roll, "for later use."

I've got to write some notes on my rolls, or write notes somewhere... I'm not really old yet, just woefully disorganized, I tell myself.
Luckily I never have that problem shooting digital.
My problem is remembering to take the card out of the computer after downloading the images and putting it BACK in the camera.
Masking tape and a fine point sharpie. Put a piece of tape on the film cannister or the cassette itself and write the status on it. I also put a piece of masking tape on the camera body, if it doesn't have a film reminder slot, to keep track of what film is loaded in which body. I crimp a corner of the tape so it's easy to remove.
I used to write the status on the leader. Sharpie is best. A ball point pen will work. If you just need to know if the roll is shot you can put a sharp crease i the leader or tear off a bit when you take it from the camera.
Being impatient when it comes to washing the film as I'm so eager to see what I have or whether something has gone wrong and I've cocked something up :D