Fuji Punta Cana photo opportunities?


Hello everyone.

I am planning a trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in June. I have done some research to determine if there are any "must vist" locations for capturing memorable images.

If anyone in the group has any suggestions in terms of "If you're going to DC, you must visit xxx".

Typically when I travel to places I've never been before, I find a lot of value in participating in a photography-centered scenic tour. The one's where the guide is a photographer and takes the group to those places that I am seeking to find out about here since there does not appear to be any photographic tours that I've been able to find.

We will bestaying at a beach resort. I suspect most of the images will be on the beach, but would like to venture outside of the resort for some either street photography or landscape images.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or other pointers in termas of safety; places / times to avoid are greatly appreciated.