Stroll Random Strolls with resurrected vintage compacts FEEL FREE TO ADD YOUR OWN IMAGES


Surrey/Hants border UK
As suggested in the watering hole as something to do while exercising during the Covid lockdown, just to make things a bit more interesting.

After doing a desk job for a decade i've barely walked more than a few hundred metres a day in that time so i've been using the extra time in the long days of social distancing to get out & go for a walk.
First day i was puffing from just walking round the block. 3 weeks later & i'm up to over 9,000 steps today & that included some hills & the stairs in a 4 storey car park :yahoo:
Lung wise it's fine, breathing well & coping with hills etc without needing to stop but my feet hurt & my achilles tendons ache so i might take an easier day tomorrow...
Anyway i've been reluctant to lug a DSLR with me on my walks but have decided to resurrect one of my old compacts to take with me...

After a short search i found my old Lumix LX3 in a drawer. After a much longer search i eventually found the charger :dash2:
Plugged the charger in, popped the battery in & nothing, no lights no anything :wtf: I know batteries can die if left completely discharged for a long period of time (i guess 9 years would be long enough)!
Tried it again a couple of times & up popped the green light, great.
Woke up, tried the battery once full, Cam powered up, reset the clock & date, Checked to see there was a card in there. There was 👍

So the little LX3 was ready..

Hopefully this might prompt a few of you guys into resurrecting an old compact or P&S & we can see how or if nostalgia is all its cracked up to be? By all means add your images in this thread.
TBH i quite liked using it again, felt more fun & gadget like rather than a serious tool.

My walk today took me alongside the airfield & round to the business centre. Light was bright but a bit boring as it was middle of the day however i do remember older cameras need a lot of light so it was what it was..

pics in next post...
So, for these there was no shooting in RAW & i deliberately didn't put them though any real editing.
Colours & tones are exactly as the modes on the camera settings applied to the images.
All i've done is a little straighten or crop here & there in iphoto so no fully worked images, all pretty much SOOC
i recalled the LX3 had a good B&W mode & we can find out if that still rings true today....

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I don't like what the camera has done with the colours on the grey tower here. Very odd, Moire like patterning.. (IMAGE ABOVE)

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Nice day for a walk, made a nice change to pretty much get the place to myself..
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That's Farnborough! I love that old airship hangar skeleton - industrial archaeology at its best. This is a really nice sequence and a good idea (goes rummaging in the camera drawer...)
That's Farnborough! I love that old airship hangar skeleton - industrial archaeology at its best. This is a really nice sequence and a good idea (goes rummaging in the camera drawer...)

It's a nice place for a mooch. I see you are fairly local to me as well. Howdy 🙂

Actually these images look pretty good at this size. not sure they would stand up well to being viewed at full size (too used to large DSLR files nowadays)

I think the real challenge will be finding something decent enough to point the camera at with any regularity...
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LX5 battery on charge today.
Kinda interested to see how this one does as i bought it used as a bundle with the lens tube & screw on wide angle adapter & due to commitments at the time never got round to using it. been in a drawer ever since.
i remember reading (after i'd bought it 😗) that it wasn't quite as sharp as the LX3 due to more agressive noise reduction softening detail so i wasn't in any rush to find out i'd bought something potentially worse lol
Failed miserably. Sky was dull flat & grey. Light was flat & boring. Plus the pics I wanted to take were cluttered with both people and/or vehicles.
then it started to rain slightly.
Hoping for better conditions tomorrow:blush:
I took my X20 out today, for a spin. My very first X Series was an X10 and I had almost forgotten how much I liked this particular form factor. It has it's quirks, sure, but it is still a powerful little beast. Two on a theme:
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Stoneface #2.jpg
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    Stoneface #2.jpg
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Ricoh GXR with the A12 mount and a Voigtlander Snapshot-Skopar 25mm f/4. These are taken close to my cottage and the area used for the April 2020 Challenge.

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In the background left of the cab is the gable end of my cottage

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The camera was set to take fine jpeg's, black and white and colour. A little tweaking of these, mostly to lift the shadows. Exposure was set to manual and the inbuilt exposure meter used adjusting shutter speed at the chosen lens aperture, usually f/5.6 or f/8.
