Birds Show Birds

Looks like it’s wearing a coat. 🤓

I wish I had his coat, it was cold the other day when I took these, I was only outside for a few minutes before I had to come in but here's one more. I think it's the same Coop I've shared here before, different branch and day in the same tree out back.

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Similar birds, I'm not positive on an ID, my best guess is a Goldfinch. Washington State, taken today.

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It is an American Goldfinch. It doesn't have the black cap so it's likely a female but she sure is vivid if so. We have tons of them here in Maryland and the females are fairly dull. Nice shot.
Visiting the Ankeny Wildlife refuge in Oregon, home to a significant bald eagle population.
Glimpsed this extremely distant juvenile bald eagle sitting on (and in) a tall tree--

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Moments later he quickly took off - I swiveled my camera with barely time for one shot--

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Then he was gone.