Show "Remarkable Car(s)"


Olympus OMD E-M1 w/ MIR-1B 37mm 2.9 Grandprix
I can't get my head around how this car was ultimately a failure. I've seen the explanations, but it still doesn't make sense to me, I find it desirable even now, almost 50 years after it was first produced, it being a car of the 70s. And I'm not even a car person.
View attachment 523735 Color Skopar 28mm F3.5 LTM
Looks wise, I love the xj-s. Mechanically speaking, it loves no man.
I can't get my head around how this car was ultimately a failure. I've seen the explanations, but it still doesn't make sense to me, I find it desirable even now, almost 50 years after it was first produced, it being a car of the 70s. And I'm not even a car person.
View attachment 523735 Color Skopar 28mm F3.5 LTM

I think that it's because it replaced the E-Type that lore called the prettiest car ever (I have issues with that, but whatever).

I think these aged beautifully, better than the E-Type imho (I am a sucker for flying buttresses)

Fwiw, I would take the 6 cylinder version instead of that Rube Goldberg monstrosity of a v12.