I love the seaside! Here in the USA, we tend to refer to the seaside as "the beach". I think I must have been either a sea otter or porpoise in my former life.
Each one of these seaside images offers such a different feeling to me. Andy, yours allows me to feel serene and thoughtful, albeit a feeling of chilliness ( I think your "old look" works perfectly with this one, too - really like it a great deal.), while Pavel, yours makes me feel the heat. It's summertime and if I were standing there I'd want to dive into that glorious blue green Adriatic sea! I've always heard that the Dalmation coast of Croatia is not to be missed. Not sure if that is where you took this or not, but it is lovely. Olli, your two are alive - love the blasting glints of light on the water, seeing people actually going in - and then that beautiful rush of power as the wave crashes in on that glistening pebbled beach!
All of these make me want to go down to the sea again, soon. Can't help but think of John Masefield's poem,
"Sea Fever". I was there today with Streetshooter AKA Don, but it was so cold and windy that we could barely stay out for more than about 5 minutes. Soon we'll be sweating here and it will be summer.
Thanks you all, and thank you Andy for starting this thread.