Nature Show Seaside

S'pose i had better add a few more to this thread!!

This is Brighton pier. It was a weird weather day being very overcast and still. It was hard to make out the horizon when looking out to sea. E-PL2 & Pany 14mm f/2.5


This was takes New years day 2010. GF1

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Same day from the end of the pier. GF1

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I took my Olympus E-P3 and Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 to the seaside this morning for this shot between 'first light' and sunrise. This is a two-shot panorama...


Cronulla from Shelly Park Beach ep3v by peterb666, on Flickr

I am still a compromised with the processing of RAW images. The best results are from Olympus Viewer 2 in the absence of Adobe Camera RAW (Olympus E-P3 will the in ACR 6.5 which is currently in beta but not generally available). I even tried RAW Therapee which does work but I haven't quite got the hang of it and after the TIF files were combined in Photomatix they looked terrible.

P.S. Go to my flickr site to see a bigger version.
Mattiscombe and Peartree Point

This thread seems to have been languishing for some time, so here's some to add to it from todays walk.

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Start Point Lighthouse from Peartree Point, Panasonic GF1 with 14mm, f/2.5 lens

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Swell breaking on rocks at Peartree Point

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Last three showing swell breaking on the shore at Mattiscombe

The last four photographs with Panasonic G1, P/L 45mm f/2.8
Hey, Barrie, thanks so much for bringing this thread back up! I can't believe that it hadn't been posted on since my curtailed trip to the Outer Banks.

You and Peter and Paul certainly had great days at the beach!