Show your face, veterans

Not your face now, but your face when you were on active duty. I'll show you mine, I hope you'll show me yours.

Hmmm... the system won't upload my photos again. I didn't see where there was a limitation on member uploads, so someone point me to it if that's the case. For now, I'll direct link from my website.

Less than a week after arriving in Vietnam, sandbag duty.

About a month before I left Vietnam 18 months later.
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How 'bout it vets? Thank you for your service and have a memorable Veterans Day.

Jim McClain, US Army 1967-1970 (Vietnam 1968-1970)
Not a vet, or even an American... Just commenting to say that, judging by your profile picture, your face hasn't changed nearly as much as one might expect given the 50 years that have passed since then! Oh, and have a good day :)

Ofcourse Veterans Day came about by the end of WW1, which was 100 years ago today. I visited Verdun and the French national cemetery there 2 weeks ago... Seeing the graves of almost 150.000 dead soldiers from both sides, each of whom was a human being with family, dreams and aspirations, was humbling, emotional, infuriating, and really more than the mind can wrap itself around.
Two great grand fathers died in WW1, a third one lost part of his skull replaced by a metal plate and was gassed.
The last one was spared all of the atrocities; a young Spanish settler in Algeria and had not acquired French citizenship yet.
Not surprisingly, we did not have a lot of happy family stories from that generation as there was little support offered by the state to my great-grand mothers, which led to some of my grand parents having had a terribly hard childhood.