Single In Single in February (SiF) 2023 - day 15

I went out this afternoon to see what I could photograph and spotted this little spider (The keyword is 'little'. It was tiny!) hanging from its web. The wind was blowing the spider all around. So a fast shutter speed was needed. The light was poor and so the aperture was the 2.8 maximum. This pushed the ISO up to 10,000. Something had to lose out. - The depth of field.

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My dog missed out on a walk the last two days because of Cyclone Gabrielle, which has caused utter devastation across the region, and throughout the north island. It is difficult to comprehend the extent of the damage, and people having to be rescued from the roofs of their houses. Anyway the weight of the rain brought this banksia rose down, so I had a job to do, to get the car out. A nice young lad, who I hadn't met before was skateboarding past, and came and helped me. He did the heavier cutting with the pruning saw. I was so lucky.

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My wife had owned this vase, a so-called 'spijkervaasje' in Dutch (spijker = nail) because of the dotted pattern made by nails, for at least 45 years until we found out that it's an original piece by A.D. Copier, probably one of the most famous glass artists in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, it's therefore not really worth much more, it's mass produced, this type of glassware is offered for prices below 100 euros.
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Reading "May the Road Rise to Meet You," Sara Macel's remarkable photo book inspired by the lifelong travels and work of her father, Dennis, a telephone pole salesman. It's impossible to do justice to the book with just a few short words, but its images live on after the cover has been closed. So I reopened the book to a page which features a photo of a Cafe in Huntsville, Texas, where the portrait of a cowboy-hatted man hangs on the wall. Then I got out my own ancient straw cowboy hat...and took this picture.

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