Sorry to wait until last-call, but I’m in!
I haven’t been around the site for the last year, other than to browse a bit and an occasional brief comment. I’ve experienced a major health issue that has had me mostly out of commission for essentially a full year - but I’m back on my feet now, finally able to work again, and this will be a great way to re-engage. I missed the last Single-in, in the midst of all that, so I look forward to this!
I realized recently that it’s been perhaps 18 months since I even touched one of my all-time favorite cameras, so I’m going to break that out for this: my Nikon Df.
For a lens, tougher call. I recently acquired a Nikkor-P C Auto 105mm f/2.5 lens, which I’ve yet to shoot. I used to have the later AI-s version of this lens and loved it with film. This Nikkor-P is, I believe, from 1973. I’ve been interested in it due to its being one of the lenses that gave Nikon its reputation in the 1970s: it’s the lens that Steve McCurry used for his Afghan girl portrait, and that Linda McCartney used for a lot of her famous portraits of Sir Paul, among others.
So that’s it: Nikon Df and 105mm Nikkor-P C f/2.5.
No theme for me, I’ll shoot daily life. Though I may make a few portraits over the month.
As always, hat tip to
@MoonMind for running these! Thanks Matt!