Single In Single in September (SiS) 2023 - day 8

Looking out towards King Island from Wellington Point at low tide, when you can walk along the causeway to King Island. (SOOC)

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Out for a midnight cruise along the bookshelves...

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That's one of those typical "Miguel shots" I love, combining the two sides in us: intellect / culture and homo ludens.
It's those two that distinguish us from all other creatures.
With so many cool toys around the house your grandchildren must love seeing their grandpa.
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The meike is not by any strech of imagination a macro, but a gardenspider is big enough to make something fun with. Tried so hard to get the spider sharp but I am fairly certain that some of this is the resolving power of the lens in addition to my shaky hands. Gave myself permission to focus on the picture as a whole and be ok with the details I got.