Feedback Suggestion box

Amin, it would be wonderful to have some photographs of the various cameras people discuss. I have no idea how much effort this could end up requiring but it's the first suggestion for your Suggestion box.😉

Very nice layout, by the way.:th_salute:
As you know, one of the toughest challenges of compact cameras is low light (also called night or indoor) photography. This is one of the features that separates serious compacts from just about any other compact.

May I suggest that you open a category or thread under systems like "Compacts for Low Light Photography" where people discuss the best compacts for this challenging task and post their sample images for comparison?

Hi Anour, I think that is a great suggestion. Since this is an issue that primarily affects fixed-lens cameras, would you kindly start a thread on this topic in that forum? I'll make a sticky thread out of it so that it will stay prominent, and we can determine later if it should become a separate forum/subforum.
Hi, Serious people!
I "stumbled" into this website by chance, but found it very interesting indeed and hope it will thrive and further develop.
I very much agree with those who say "the best camera is the one you have with you when you need one" with the
addition of the following words "... and it is able to capture the image you want".
So, of course, classy compacts are my favourite, and I will never buy anything that - lens included - would exceed 500 grams.
I would actually propose that one - if you can agree - to be the limit for a camera (+lens, for camera systems) to be considered
at all on this website. With anything under 250 grams being highlighted and stamped "pocket camera".
Both limits, of course, are to be stated in "pounds" and "ounces" as well, for those Neanderthals who still measure things by their feet and hands ... 🙂
This way you could also contirbute to improving the current situation, where most camera-websites (and camera producers !!!)
make it difficult to figure out "all included" camera weight for SLR and interchangeable-lens models in some of their possible "operational"
configurations at least ...
I also suggest you to cover the very best camera-phones on the market (for their purely photographic use, disregarding the rest):
in spite of all the hyperboles, none of them looks par with a decent camera, yet. But that shouldn't last long ...
It just takes the strategic decision to add phone circuitry (= a few grams) to any of the existing fine compacts ...
That one will finally fullfill my definition of "best camera" , as provided above. Marcus
Thanks Amin for starting a suggestion box ! A great opportunity to all members to contribute.
My suggestion is to add a "NEWS / RUMORS" menu item.
Just one suggestion: I think the central (main) column article/post headers (that appear in the blue bar) on the home page could be slightly bigger and/or bolder, which should add to site usability.
I also suggest you to cover the very best camera-phones on the market (for their purely photographic use, disregarding the rest):
in spite of all the hyperboles, none of them looks par with a decent camera, yet.

The Nokia N8 seems to exceed many compact cameras. It even has a larger sensor than most of them: 1/1.83".

Nokia N8 Camera – 2,260 days in the making Part 1/2
Nokia N8 Camera – 2,260 days in the making Part 2/2
Nokia N8 sample images – untouched

The official website of the manufacturer is hardly the best source to judge a camera's actual performance, but it gives you a good idea of the amount of effort Nokia has put into the camera of this phone.
My suggestion is one that we can all act on - if anyone starts a thread please consider adding a "tag" to the thread that reflects the thread's subject. I've been trying to remember to do this myself and just this morning added a few tags to some existing threads started by others. Tagging is a helpful search tool, too.
I don't know if there is anytype of setting you can do to fix this on the back end, but I log on using the facebook logon. For some reason it does not leave me logged on for very long. Often times I will write a post and by the time I hit "post" I am logged out of the board and have to hit the facebook button again. This makes me lose what I just wrote. After a few times I have learned to cut and paste what I wrote before hitting reply so if I am logged out and can just paste it back when I am logged in again
Wallace thank you for bringing this up. I'll make sure that Amin see's your Facebook log on issue and sees what he can do to address it.

Just in case it would be helpful to know - can you tell me what Internet browser you use and what type of computer?
Just in case it would be helpful to know - can you tell me what Internet browser you use and what type of computer?

This happens on my laptop with Windows Vista and my desktop with Windows 7. It also happens with Internet Explorer and Firefox. It also does not happen on other sites that use facebook as logins. I wish now that I had orriginally not used facebook and just created a user id with the site. I may just go ahead and do that anyway 😃
How about a "Resources" forum, which would encompass camera mounts, external flashes, reflectors, etc. and items such as this depth-of-field calculator, Hyperfocal Distance and Depth of Field Calculator - DOFMaster which I'm at a loss to place in the current tree. It might also cover home-made gadgets and general ingenuity. In other words, everything you might use up to the moment you press the button, other than the camera.
I'd suggest in Systems. It would need a less vague title than Resources - maybe Other Equipment, which would cover hardware and software such as the DOF calculator. We'd need a pinned thread saying to put post-processing stuff elsewhere, though. Hum... can forums have subtitles? That would do.
Good suggestions, JohnE. We do have Image Processing which seems to fit post processing, I'd think. I'm not sure how subtitles work, that's Amin's bailiwick, however we can do "stickies" or "pinned threads" with descriptions.

The other thing I feel crops up fairly often are questions about "how to" on different cameras. And I'm wondering if there might be a way to separate off an area for that so that questions do not become lost within - for example, they often end up in a long thread that's more of a review of a camera by a member and/or within a specific camera's image thread both of which can be found in the main forums say for fixed lens cameras, or the NEX, etc. I try to keep my eyes open to these questions but I know I don't always catch them. I wonder about a separate forum might be a good idea such as "Cameras: technical questions and help" or something like along those lines? :popcorm2: