Hi, Serious people!
I "stumbled" into this website by chance, but found it very interesting indeed and hope it will thrive and further develop.
I very much agree with those who say "the best camera is the one you have with you when you need one" with the
addition of the following words "... and it is able to capture the image you want".
So, of course, classy compacts are my favourite, and I will never buy anything that - lens included - would exceed 500 grams.
I would actually propose that one - if you can agree - to be the limit for a camera (+lens, for camera systems) to be considered
at all on this website. With anything under 250 grams being highlighted and stamped "pocket camera".
Both limits, of course, are to be stated in "pounds" and "ounces" as well, for those Neanderthals who still measure things by their feet and hands ... 🙂
This way you could also contirbute to improving the current situation, where most camera-websites (and camera producers !!!)
make it difficult to figure out "all included" camera weight for SLR and interchangeable-lens models in some of their possible "operational"
configurations at least ...
I also suggest you to cover the very best camera-phones on the market (for their purely photographic use, disregarding the rest):
in spite of all the hyperboles, none of them looks par with a decent camera, yet. But that shouldn't last long ...
It just takes the strategic decision to add phone circuitry (= a few grams) to any of the existing fine compacts ...
That one will finally fullfill my definition of "best camera" , as provided above. Marcus